
Jungle Bee Held Fashion Exhibition for Charity

Mangupura, – An elegant event opened the doors in the Gado Gado Restaurant, Camplung Tanduk Street, Seminyak, Kuta on 12-13 of July, 2020. Fashion exhibition (14 brands exposed, among them: Indomito, exquisite selection of Italian brands from Jungle Bee, Maria’s Lerner creations, Runa Jewellery, Bambo Silver and more) took place during this 2 days.

Diana Rosa (The Voice Indonesia 2016) The Jungle Bee Charity team.

First day evening performance starts with Johann Sebastian Bach concert played by Mikhail Prosvirnov, graduate of Private Conservatory, Sweden. Continued with series of heart-felt speeches from their charity foundations representatives and collaborators.

Just as they entered the twilight hours, one of Bali’s most talented and sultry singer whose also happened to be one of the Jungle Bee Charity team, Diana Rosa (The Voice Indonesia 2016), took the festivities into the next level with exquisite collaboration between Mikhail on Keyboard & Saxophone, Dedi Eka Budiono on Bass Guitar.

Alexey Izotov (Odyssey Music Festival), DJ Waxwood (NY) and DJ KMLN (Canada) continued the evening firmly on the DJ Deck.

The charity donated 20% all of product sales to Rimba Raya Foundation, motored by a group of concern students in South Batur Region called Lingkar Rimba, represented by I Gede Pastika. They got together with the unlikely duo Sergey Zanimonets and Alexey Izotov from The DoBro Foundation who raised donations from their inner circles of friends to help the people of Batur, Kintamani, Regency of Bangli.

In the moments of enlightenment, artistic and creative people will guide mankind into the light. Yes, We all had “normal” lives.. Whatever that means. Each to their own. In these hard times in particular, such standard is hard to maintain, even harder to get motivated let alone to be inspired.

BACA JUGA:  Kreatif di Tengah Pandemi, Gayatri Rilis 5 Buku Antologi Cerita Pendek.

This is why it is important to get all the artistic and creative people together to get you inspired and help you see the light through their arts, music and performances. So that we change the general movement from egoism to creation and unity to help each other. To awakened the human of the future, filled with high vibrations, high qualities and becoming true to true values.

This is exactly what lies in the philosophy of Jungle Bee Charity – to unite & help each other, for growth and for love, for better life for all of us. By our examples we will open, awaken and burn the fire in our hearts.

The Jungle Bee Charity also donate to the Adopt A Family Foundation, represented by Debbie Huang who dedicated their charity to helped some the poorest low-non income families in Bali.

the Jungle Bee Charity team

The event’s success inspired many to join the cause to do a second charity next month & another one after that and hopefully many more in the future.

More/less 40 fashion brands had confirmed to participate in the upcoming Jungle Bee Charity Event in August. They will announce the upcoming musician lineup and other collaborators soon. (Red/Rls)

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